Last year today we left for a great family trip to San Francisco. My kids had never been there, and I was very excited for them to see my favorite city. They got to see every touristy thing in the places that I used to live and work. Then we went up to Sausalito, Tiburon, Muir Woods, and then down to Carmel by the sea, Monterey, and Big Sur.
I moved to San Francisco when I was 19 from a little town in Northern Minnesota. It was such an eye opening experience. I was young and naive....and SF was strange and wonderful. I lived there for a couple of years and loved it all.
We have lived in quite a few great places since then, but San Francisco will always be it as far as I am concerned.
Which city is your favorite?
I lived in NYC for my entire 20's so that is IT for me, however, I finally visited San Francisco for the first time ever this past June & I was smitten. We also ventured down to Carmel-by-the-Sea and Capitola (had a wedding there to attend). It was one of those trips that I couldn't shake...couldn't stop thinking about. I actually posted my pics from my trip back in June. Now I understand the love affair.